Benefits of being a member
- Belonging to the leading scientific pharmacology association of Colombia
- Net-working with other colleagues.
- Permanent update
- Discounts on face-to-face and virtual conferences
- Continuing education with preferential prices
- Access to resources and prestigious online professional journals
- Membresía sin costo a la Sociedad Española de Farmacología -SEF
- Convenio de membresía preferencial con ASPET
Member types
La ACF está integrada por cinco categorías de miembros denominados: Fundadores, de Número, Asociados, Honorarios y Eméritos.
Founders members:
To be Founding Members, it is required to have signed the ACF Constitution Act.
Number Members:
To be a Full Member it is required:
a) Be a professional trained in pharmacology or a professional linked to teaching, research or healthcare activities in Pharmacology.
b) Submit an application for admission, duly documented.
Associate Members:
To be an Associate Member it is required:
a) Be a professional in disciplines other than pharmacology.
b) Submit the application for admission, duly documented and endorsed by two full members.
c) Be admitted by the National Board of Directors.
Honorary Members:
To be an Honorary Member it is required:
a) Be a professional, national or foreign, linked to Pharmacology, to whom the National Board of Directors, unanimously, grants such honor, in attention to the merits demonstrated in the exercise of their profession, in teaching or in research, of special relevance to the profession.
b) Being President of other national or foreign scientific societies, lecturer at ACF academic events, which, in the opinion of the National Board of Directors, has contributed in a special way to the progress of the ACF or Pharmacology in Colombia.
Emeritus Members:
To be an Emeritus Member it is required:
a) Be a Full Member of the ACF for twenty (20) continuous years.
b) Having provided outstanding services to the ACF, in the opinion of the National Board of Directors.
c) To be the former National President of the ACF.
Admission request
Fill out the following form to request to join the ACF. We are waiting for you!

*Estos valores deberán ser abonados cuando su solicitud sea aceptada.
La ACF ha hecho convenios con ASPET (The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics) y con la Sociedad Española de Farmacología -SEF, para que nuestros asociados puedan gozar de múltiples beneficios siendo miembros de estas prestigiosas instituciones a nivel mundial.
- Be part of one of the most prestigious pharmacology communities in the world
- Discounts on academic activities
- Recognition and support for people who explore pharmacology and have made important contributions.
- Possibility of presenting research and networking with other colleagues
- Full acceso a las publicaciones y a los recursos de la plataforma digital de ASPET (aplican restricciones y cuotas reducidas)
- Membresía sin costo a la Sociedad Española de Farmacología-SEF, con todos los beneficios, (aplican restricciones)
- CV
- If you are a Master's student: Letter of recommendation signed by the University or the tutor that contains:
- That you are in good standing with the university (you are currently registered and making adequate progress)
- The research project you are working on
- The year of the program the student is in / research progress